Commonly Needed Chimney Masonry Repairs

Posted on: 11 November 2022

Despite the fact that your chimney is made of durable brick and mortar, there are damages that are common for homeowners to need to have repaired for their chimneys. Failing to address these problems could increase the likelihood that there is a significant collapse or other problem with the chimneys.

Deep Cracks In The Masonry

Deep cracks forming in the masonry of the chimney are signs of a potentially serious problem. These cracks can have a tremendously destabilizing effect on the chimney as they can alter its weight distribution. In some cases, these cracks can even increase the likelihood that the chimney will suffer a complete collapse. Due to the placement of the chimney, you may not notice that these cracks have formed until they are large enough to be seen from the ground. By this point, the damage could be extensive, and the homeowner should promptly retain a professional chimney masonry repair service to begin restoring it.

Flaking Mortar

Generally, the mortar for the chimney will degrade due to exposure much sooner than the bricks. Flaking and brittle mortar can eventually cause bricks to start to loosen. If enough bricks become loose, the chimney could pose an extreme danger to the rest of the home. When mortar starts to degrade, replacing it with fresh mortar can be one option that will restore the overall durability of the chimneys. During the process of replacing degraded mortar, the previous layer of mortar will be removed by using a tool that can gently break up and remove the mortar that is between the bricks. By doing this process for one side of a brick at a time, it can be possible to fully replace the mortar in the chimney without having to go through major construction or repair work.

A Chimney That Has Developed A Lean

A leaning chimney is an extremely serious problem that will require prompt attention from contractors. While a homeowner may assume that the lean that the chimney has suffered is due to structural problems with it, there is also a chance that this issue is being caused by problems with the foundation of the home. As the foundation develops stability problems or significant damage, it may cause the home to come out of alignment. This alignment can put enough pressure on it to cause it to lean. Eventually, this pressure will become too much, and the chimney will collapse if it is not repaired, reinforced and the underlying cause of the lean mitigated.

To have your chimney examined and repaired, contact a chimney masonry repair service in your area.


Results Are Better Than New

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