Why Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning From A Professional Is A Good Idea

Posted on: 29 March 2022

Is your home's dryer taking multiple cycles to get your clothes completely dry? Do you run a commercial laundry business but some customers are complaining about how ineffective your dryers are? Both of these scenarios could imply that you have a build up of debris in the dryer vents that is causing an issue. Here's why you should partner with a local dryer vent cleaning service to make sure your dryer is cleaned on a regular basis.

You Might Be Able to Clean Some of It Yourself But You Don't Have the Right Tools for a Complete Job

Yes, it's technically possible to disconnect your dryer and reach into the vent yourself and clear out what you can using your gloved hands or maybe a small broom or brush. But you likely don't have the kind of vacuum that a professional cleaning service would use to reach deep into the vent. This means you won't be truly removing all of the lint or dust on your own and your vent will not end up as clean as it otherwise could be. Your dryer will still operate at less than 100 percent efficiency if any build-up of a clog remains. It makes no sense though to buy expensive equipment to do it yourself when you can just hire a professional service that will arrive at your location with the right tools for the job.

You Don't Want to Inhale Lint or Dust

Dryer lint, dust, and other debris are obviously unpleasant to deal with. It's also possible that some of this mess of smaller particles could go airborne during the cleaning process. You can of course wear gloves or a face mask to protect yourself, but the better option might be to stay out of that situation altogether by hiring a professional who likely has higher quality safety gear than you do. Professional help can keep you and your family safe and the seasoned pro will ensure that no debris particles are lingering in the air for your family to inhale after they leave.

A Clogged Vent Can Reduce the Lifespan of Your Dryer or Cause More Serious Issues

If you don't manage to fully unclog your vent, your dryer may continue to require multiple cycles or at least have to be run for longer than you would ideally like in order to get the clothes dry. This could reduce the lifespan of your dryer over time. A lint clog could also turn into a fire hazard over time or a build-up of moist lint could attract the growth of unwanted substances or even attract pests into your home. Professional cleaning once a year or as needed will give you peace of mind from these potential issues.

For more information on dryer vent cleaning, contact a company like Hillco LLC.


Results Are Better Than New

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