How To Handle Water Damage In Your Vacation Home

Posted on: 25 February 2022

Having a vacation cabin in the woods or a house on the lake where you can get away adds to your enjoyment of life. However, if you forget to turn the water off before you leave for a long stretch of time, and a water line splits or comes loose from a dishwasher or other appliance, you might return to a flooded mess.

Ideally, you should keep a flood alarm in your vacation residence so you'll be notified of such an occurrence so you can go back and shut the water off right away. Still, you could be left with a lot of water damage. Here's how to address the problem.

Shut Off The Water And Start Bailing

You'll want to work to get water out of your house as fast as you can. Stop water from flowing in by turning off the water at your main valve and then start pushing water out the door or bail it out with buckets if you have to.

Call A Professional For Assistance

If water has been leaking on your floor for hours or days, you'll need the help of a water damage restoration company to remove all of the water and dry your home out. They may bring in water extractors or even a pump if you have standing water. Once visible water is gone from the floor and from behind walls, the company may set up fans, drying mats, and dehumidifiers to pull dampness from wood and the air.

Part of the process of drying out your home will probably include removing items with water damage since that also removes more moisture from your home. Together with your restoration professional, you can decide what you want to try to save and what you will throw out. It may be worth the time to throw out old furniture and old carpet, especially if your insurance company will pay for new furnishings to replace them.

Another problem the water damage restoration company may face is mold. If your house has been damp for a few days, mold may be growing in damp areas or in your HVAC ducts. The restoration professional has to track down mold and remove it so it won't grow back once restoration is complete.

Rebuild The Damaged Area

Once your home is dry, it's time to work on replacing building materials that were taken from the house. You might need a new subfloor, flooring, base cabinets, drywall, and things like appliances, furniture, and drapes. Restoring your home could take several days or weeks, but when you work with a water damage restoration professional, the work progresses as fast as possible. 

If you need restoration services, contact a local company such as GraEagle  Construction LLC


Results Are Better Than New

When something breaks or is beginning to look a little worn, what do you do with that item? You might throw it away and buy a replacement, but in many cases, a better approach would be to have that item resorted. People can restore or repair almost everything, from clothing to furniture. You just have to know the right shop to visit or the right repair person to hire for the job. This blog is a good place to learn a bit more about that. We think you'll enjoy the experience of learning about repairs and replacement, too. After all, it's a broad topic!

