Residential Retaining Wall Damage And Repairs

Posted on: 24 February 2022

If you purchased a home with a damaged retaining wall in the backyard, then it is important you determine the cause of the damage and the options to repair it.

The good news is most damaged retaining walls can be repaired as long as they were originally built correctly and have not yet lost their structural integrity. However, a retaining wall not built well or that has already partially fallen down will need to be replaced.

Materials Used to Build Residential Retaining Walls and Who Repairs Them

Residential retaining walls are made of many different materials, including:

  • brick
  • stone
  • concrete block
  • poured concrete

In addition, some walls are made with a combination of materials for aesthetic purposes. 

Walls built with brick or stone require a mason to repair them. Walls made of concrete require a foundation or retaining wall repair contractor. 

Causes of Retaining Wall Damage and Failures

There are many reasons residential retaining walls become damaged and fail, including:

  • poor water drainage
  • substandard installation materials
  • substandard installation techniques
  • inadequate foundation support

In addition, retaining walls can suffer weight-related damage when they are holding back the soil beneath a driveway. As heavy cars and trucks sit on the driveway they cause excessive downward pressure onto the wall and over time this can cause it to fail.

Poor Water Drainage and Retaining Wall Weeping Holes

One of the most common causes of retaining wall problems is poor water drainage. When water builds up in the soil behind the wall instead of draining away, it increases the weight of the soil. The heavy soil puts excessive pressure on the wall and causes it to bow, crack, lean, and ultimately fail.

To prevent drainage problems, builders of retaining walls drill holes referred to as weeping holes. As their name implies, weeping holes allow water to pass through the wall and this lightens the load of the soil behind it.

If your new home's retaining wall is failing from a lack of weeping holes or because the existing holes have become clogged with rocks and soil over the years, then new ones can be drilled. 

Retaining Wall Repairs 

In addition to drilling new weeping holes, retaining walls can also be repaired by:

  • excavating the soil behind the wall
  • installing anchors
  • installing helical piers

Residential retaining walls that are bowing can be stabilized by excavating the soil behind the wall and installing anchors. 

Finally, retaining walls that have a concrete footing that is sinking into the ground can be repaired by installing helical piers below the foundation to lift the retaining wall back into place.

To learn more about retaining wall repairs, contact a contractor in your area. 


Results Are Better Than New

When something breaks or is beginning to look a little worn, what do you do with that item? You might throw it away and buy a replacement, but in many cases, a better approach would be to have that item resorted. People can restore or repair almost everything, from clothing to furniture. You just have to know the right shop to visit or the right repair person to hire for the job. This blog is a good place to learn a bit more about that. We think you'll enjoy the experience of learning about repairs and replacement, too. After all, it's a broad topic!

