Emergency Tips For Water Damage In A Storm

Posted on: 16 February 2022

Water damage can happen in an instant. For example in a storm, your basements could flood and carpets could get soggy before you know it. Commercial and residential property owners alike want to make sure that their property is safe and dry after storm damage occurs. The following water damage emergency information will help you deal with water damage during and after a storm.

Turn Off the Electricity

First, turn off the electricity after the storm to reduce hazards. Electricity and water don't mix, so even if the water damage is minimal, you should avoid using devices that draw power from outlets.

Unplug All Electronics

If you have time before flooding occurs, consider unplugging all electronic devices. You might also want to begin drying them out if any devices can be restored or repaired during the complete restoration process.

Remove Water Source

If the source of the water is from the outside, such as rain, try and remove it—close windows, doors, or any other openings that could allow more water to get in. If the source of the water is from the inside, such as a leaky pipe or flooding toilet, find it and stop it from leaking.

Depending on where it's located, it may be difficult to remove standing water. When possible, use towels or mops to try and clean it up. In high traffic areas, this can prevent more damage to carpets and rugs if they get wet. 

Test for Mold Growth

It is not uncommon to see mold start growing near water damage, so once the water is dried up, it's a good idea to check your home for mold growth.

If mold has already begun growing, you may need to call in a professional restoration service to handle the problem. If the water-damaged area is in a relatively small area and you feel confident, you can clean and disinfect it yourself.

Remove All Wet Materials

When dealing with a mold damage emergency, you will want to remove all the wet materials. Removing the materials will help mitigate the damage and prevent it from getting worse over time. When removing the wet materials, you will want to wear protective gear such as gloves and eye protection.

Use Fans to Dry Affected Areas

Use fans to dry the affected areas to begin the process of cleaning up and repairing the water damage. If you don't have any fans, then you can use a hairdryer or area heater instead of just using a fan. The key is to make sure you dry out the area as well as possible before moving on to the next step. You want to get the affected areas as dry as possible so that the repairs can be completed.

You will want to know these steps just in case you ever experience water damage. When you have a problem with water damage during a storm, contact an emergency water damage restoration service to get the help you need to clean up the mess. 


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